Enable Email forwarding for Zoho Mail

Connecting a new email channel is the initial step in setting up your Re:amaze account. However, it doesn't end there – you'll need to set up email forwarding to direct all messages to your Re:amaze inbox.

If you haven't started connecting an email channel, navigate to Settings > Email Channels and click "Add new channel." For existing email channels, select "Connect to external email."

Re:amaze will automatically set up a new mailbox/email address. In the example below, the address generated is "daffy-demo-support@daffydemo.reamaze.com" this address is where your emails will be forwarded to.

To continue setting up email forwarding, click "Connect my email address."


  • Next, provide the email address you want to use for email forwarding. This should be your current support address. Below that, you will see the email address Re:amaze automatically set up for you. You will need this email address for the next step, so copy it and click "Next."

NOTE: You will be able to send and receive emails from this address, however only your support email address will be visible to your customers.


  • Before moving forward in Re:amaze, navigate to your Zoho account to set up email forwarding.
  • In your Zoho account, click on the gear icon located in the top-right corner of the page to get to your Settings Page.


  • On your Settings Page, scroll down to the "Forwards" section.
  • Enter the email address you copied from Re:amaze in the "Add new email forwarding" field.

Once you've provided your email address, Zoho will send a verification email to Re:amaze, so you will need to navigate back to Re:amaze to locate this email in your inbox.

  • Open the confirmation email from Zoho and copy the confirmation code provided.
  • Navigate back to your Zoho account and click the "Verify" button. This will prompt you to provide the code you just copied from the confirmation email.
  • Back in Re:amaze, you will now just need to click "Yes I've completed forwarding" and you're all done.


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