How to Customize AI Settings in Re:amaze

AI Settings

Re:amaze allows you to customize your AI to match your brand’s voice and tone. If you manage multiple brands, you can set different AI settings for each one individually. These customizations will apply to any AI-generated text, including Response Templates, Quick Replies, Suggested Responses, etc.

You can choose different personalities and provide custom prompts to further influence how your AI interacts with customers. To get started, navigate to Settings > Brands > AI Settings.


Setting the AI Personality

Start by selecting the personality that best fits your brand. Personality options include:

  • Professional
  • Cheerful
  • Laid-back
  • Empathetic
  • Playful


Custom Prompt Input

You can further guide your AI’s behavior using the Custom Prompt Input feature. This tool gives you more control over how the AI responds, allowing you to provide a wide range of instructions, such as:

  • Set guidelines for complex issues: Instruct your AI to escalate more challenging inquiries to a human agent, ensuring that complicated problems are handled appropriately.
  • Control response length: Define word count limits for AI responses, so it stays concise or provides more detailed replies, depending on your needs.
  • Avoid repetitive responses: Help your AI deliver varied answers by minimizing repetitive phrasing, keeping interactions engaging and fresh for customers.
Additional Options
  • Include Brand Identity: When activated, the AI can reference your store’s name or URL in its responses.
  • Use Emojis: Decide whether the AI should include emojis in its replies to match your brand’s communication style.

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